Unhealthy Skin Due to Environmental Pollution

There is a continuous increase in the pollution in this globally industrialized era and this pollution is increasingly and adversely affecting the environment and the human health. Studies have revealed that the pollutant particles are rendering harm to human life and its obvious effects are also been noticed by the dermatologist on the delicate and important human organ “the skin”.


The skin is the outermost layer on the human body which is responsible for protecting the underlying muscles,  ligaments, and other internal organs .besides, the skin also determines the beauty and the personality of human beings. The pollution in the air and atmosphere effects the beauty of the skin.  The pollution is affecting the skin in the form of pre-aging, acne, skin rashes and also the infection and cancer in the skin which may lead to the human mortality.

Indoor Pollution is More Harmful than Outdoor Pollution

The common concept is that the outdoor pollution affects the skin but the fact is that the indoor air is also harmful.Researchers say that indoor pollution is nearly 4 to 5 time more harmful than the outdoor air.


The sources of indoor pollution are stoves and fireplaces, foam insulation. Paints, woodwork in houses, air fresheners and much more. And the urban is more polluted. Studies in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology observes the urban and rural women’s skin for over 24 years and found that women belonging to the urban area had the black spots and wrinkles.

 Pre-Aging of Skin:

The particles in the air and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes the pre-aging of skin. The pollutant in the air snatches the oxygen the skin which makes the skin look dull gray and sagging. Ultraviolet radiation also snatches the skin natural moisture making it become dry and dull.


The air is replete with free radicals and these radicals in collaboration with  UV combines with the skin molecules resulting in the decrease in the elasticity and flexibility of the skin, as a result, the skin loses it fine texture and wrinkles appear on the skin.

Skin Cancer:

In the year 1993, About 700,000 cases of skin cancer were diagnosed. And nearly 9000 people died of it 70 % of them died due to melanoma. The skin cancer is caused due to skin exposure to UV radiation. 1% decrease in ozone layer results in 2% increase in UVR Radiation. it reveals that there is 2% increase in chances of skin cancer for 1% decrease in the ozone layer. So the ozone depleting chemicals are the major concern for the dermatologist

Effects of Water Pollution in Skin:

The water pollution is also rendering equal effects to human skin but the pollution in water is not much obvious as the air pollution is. water is essentially important to keep your skin young and hydrate but the water containing chlorine is much harmful. The chlorine in water causes serious agitation to skin and lungs.


It results to the aging of your skin. having a shower in the chlorine added water causes the pores in your body to open and the chlorine seeps into your skin and makes your skin deprive of the natural oil. The skin becomes dry and creaked and the wrinkles originate on skin;

 How to Cure The Skin:

Dermatologist presents its solution they say deep cleaning of your face and skin can help you avert the causes. Dr. Bank says a famous dermatologist says. “Simple washing may not be enough to remove it, but exfoliating can get those cells out of there.” If you don’t use a brush or your skin is too sensitive, add a gentle scrub to your nightly routine. “Limit use to every other night if either irritates.


Dr.Tanzi further advises wiping a cotton pad dribbled in the toner to clean deeper. Before leaving home,  make the habit of using the sun blocks to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation of the sun.  Free radical in the air causes damage in the DNA that leads to cancer. So antioxidant should be used to treat combat the free radicals. One should also plan its diet rich in antioxidants like beans blueberries and green vegetables.